Hello again dear Witches!! Are you ready for the first of March's Full Moons?! What are your plans? What spells are brewing in your cauldrons?!
I have a link ready for the Grow Moon. I hope it helps with any of your magickal endeavors that you are called upon for tomorrow. The Spell that I am crafting is called "Breaking Illusions" and I will be casting it tonight as I will not be home for tomorrow night.
Mad Workings updates to come soon. I will just be away for a few days and will post them when I get back, including of course my "Breaking Illusions" Spell! The updates will all be contained in this post so just keep checking back!
Back from my many roadtrips these past few weeks and I am so glad to be settled back in to the House. I think I was missed! I have a new spell posted for you lovely Witches so get out your most witchy mirror and click on the link ;)
Breaking Illusions
Some happenings in the House. I've been working through the Second chapter and Lesson in my Warrior Goddess Training:
I loved working with the first chapter so much, but I also found that I was already there so it's nice to push onwards to the next lesson. I highly recommend this book for every Woman out there. Embrace your inner strength and beauty!! Believe in yourself, Love yourself (most especially those parts of you that others think are ugly. Cuz they ain't!)
I finished my lovely necklace and bracelet that have so many titles. Wolf Woman, Warrior Goddess, Wild Woman I used them in my Breaking Illusions spell for empowerment, cleansing and they have become my third eye. I can't explain just how much I feel for them both.
I used antler tips that I drilled holes in, an old favourite necklace that I took apart and tektite stone.

I also finished my palmistry art piece that goes with my hand. I found this image online and then drew it out for myself. I'm not sure who the original artist is. It's going on a frame on my wall ;)
I've been adding to my Book! So exciting to be working in it. These are not finished pages yet, but I thought I'd share the progress. Remember if you want to make your own check out this link for a How To.
I've also been immersed in the book "Witches of New York", which I have mentioned before. Here is a pic as to why it is taking me so long to get through it! So much good and fun information!!
Ostara and our Spring Equinox are coming upon us real quick! Today I am going to go hunt down my Ostara decorations and start putting together some crafts for the kids and I. If you want some ideas or are curious about Ostara than check out this link: OSTARA. It has a few links on there as well that will draw you down the rabbit hole ;) Lots of craft ideas, an Ostara ritual, recipes and more!
Some new updates that will be coming your way from the House:
* Moon Necklace
* More Book pages
* Updated Book List
* Two new crafts from the House
* a Secret new project coming from the House! Just waiting on the rest of the supplies to come in
* March's Second Full Moon Spell
* April's Wind Moon
* and whatever else calls my name to bring into fruitation
Peace and Love
The Bone Witch
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