You will need:
* A Waning Moon phase
* Small Lapis Lazuli stones
* White candle
* Black Paint/Black marker
* Lemon Balm
* Peppermint Oil
* Glass Vial
~ Begin by painting your white candle black. This symbolizes the depression that you are weighed down by.
~ Light your candle and speak the following:
Flame cut through the depression deep
Melt it down and make it weep,
Grant me power to re-emerge,
From its grip, I leap and surge.
~ Once you begin to see the white wax emerging from the black, take some peppermint oil and anoint the candle.
~ Hold your Lapis Lazuli stones over the flame (not too close!) and speak the following:
Dissolve this depression, I beg of you
Take it's power and transform it's strength
Into positive energy I can use at length.
~ Rube the stones against where you feel the stress and tension building in your body. Place them in front of the candle and sprinkle with lemon balm.
~ Let the candle burn out
~ Place your stones inside your glass vial and anoint with peppermint oil, carry it with you or place within easy access.
~ When your spirits need a lift simply open your glass vial and take in the scent repeating your intentions and letting out your breath slowly, releasing your stress into the universe.
** This spell was found on the net and twisted towards my purpose**
Bone to Bone
Blood to Blood
The Bone Witch
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