Yule ~Winter Solstice~

The longest night and shortest day of the year. The winter solstice is a turning point in the year. When the Sun dies and is reborn from the Goddess.  In my family we go out together and gather our own tree, we then bring the tree into our home and decorate it with lights and shiny ornaments, we decorate our whole home with lights to help strengthen... the light! 

The Goddess at this time of year is The Dark Mother. She is death followed by rebirth, She is the giver of gifts and the teacher of lessons. Life is, of course, her first gift to us all. In the realm of the Dark Mother anything is possible. So if you want to change something in your life now is the time. 

The God at this time is the Bringer of Gifts, who carries them into the world so they can be used and enjoyed. He is her messenger. On the longest night he is tired and old and goes to sleep in the arms of the Dark Mother and is reborn at dawn as the sun, the new year. This teaches us to rest when we are tired and trust that when life is at it's darkest there is always a light. 
I am a huge lover of Starhawk and much of my information for the Winter Solstice is what I have gathered from her teachings. A great book called Circle Round.

At this time with my family we do much baking & crafting, we spend much time with each other. The entire time spent in the darkest of times is with each other, so no one feels alone. We are the light. 

Some pics below are of our baking. Pies, Bread Wreath and Sun Soup.

We make a Yule log and burn symbols into it.

Some pics of a wreath that I made in honour of Yule:

I wish you many blessings at this time of year. Remember you are the light. YOU are the light.

The Wolf Witch

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