Road Opening Spell

It's the end of the second week of January and it is the perfect time to get rid of anything blocking your focus from achieving the goals you have set out for yourself. Here is a nice little Road Opening Spell to help you find your way again.

You will Need:
* Candle (Color depends on what you are trying to unblock and open up. Check Candle Magick for help)
* Road Opening Oil
* Sage
* Cauldron
* Personal Spelling Charm
* Glass Vial
* extra candle
* sheet of paper
Road Opening Oil
~ Sea Salt
~ Licorice Herb
~ Peppermint Herb
~ Allspice
~ Coconut Oil
~ Jojoba Oil
~ Coconut Extract
** Use on Candle and Powerpoints*

Personal Spelling Charm
~ Write down anything that is blocking your focus.
For example:
~ All energies that do not serve me are banished from my life and removed from this space

* Begin by casting your circle thrice
* Make your road opening oil without the herbs
* Spread the herbs on a sheet of paper
* Anoint the candle with the oil and roll into the herbs
* Light another candle and melt its wax over the herbs
* Take leftover oil and herbs and place in a vial for future use.
* Place Candle in its stand
* Focus on your Spelling Charm. Focus on banishing the blocks and opening your road.
* Take your sage, light it and your candle and smudge yourself
* Exclaim your charm outloud and proceed to burn it in your cauldron but the fire of your candle.
* Once ash place your candle in your cauldron and let burn out
* Close void with classical music
* Once candle has burned out, Open your circle. Take your spelling remains to a section of crossroads that you will not be returning to. Set it down at the crossroads and bury it there. Leave by a different trail. Do not look back.

Bone to Bone
Blood to Blood
The Bone Witch

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